Pater Eeuwensweg 36 Willemstad Curaçao

+5999 788 9903


by Dec 25, 2017

Improvement of the health – and financial literacy in Curaçao.



Research Community for Social Sciences
The project
The SONORO project is a long-term study on life in Curaçao. This project is an initiative of researchers in Curaçao and receives financial support from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The goal is to develop good and smart ideas for the island in a co-operation between population and researchers. The SONORO project aims to contribute to the knowledge of SIDS (Small Island Developing States), and to improve the quality of life of the residents of Curaçao.
The study 
Several studies have been carried out to understand the determinants of financial and health behavior in large countries. Based on these results interventions have been developed. You can ask yourself whether these interventions are effective within small societies. There are indications that that is not always productive. The present study will address which determinants need modification and which should be added. The results will lead to advices and interventions appropriate to the social context and the cultural values of SIDS in the Caribbean region.
The community 

The SONORO community is fundamental for the SONORO project. It will consist of a very large number of households, representative for the population of Curaçao. Every year, we ask the community 4 times to reflect on topics such as health and well-being.

Study period

2017 – 2021

Principal applicant

Prof. Rob Alessie PhD – Professor micro-economics, University of Groningen

Primary Caribbean partner

Tineke Alberts PhD – Head of the Department of Social Science – CBHRI

Research team

Corrie Vis BA – Project Manager
Jasmira Wiersma, MSc – Researcher Financial Behavior

Merel Griffith – Lendering PhD – Survey Manager

Renske Pin PhD – Researcher Health Behavior

Tim Q. Martina – Community Manager


University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business – Economics, Econometrics & Finance, The Netherlands

Curaçao Biomedical and Health Research Institute (CBHRI), Curaçao
CentERdata, Institute for Data Collection and Research, The Netherlands
VIC Public Health Institute, Curaçao
University of Aruba, Aruba
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
The Centre for Applied Political Psychology, Melbourne, Australia
Warwarú ImageNation Foundation & Warwarú Productions, Curaçao
IDA_Sa, Institute for Culture Resources Management, Curaçao
Anthropological Institute of the Netherlands Antilles/Allen Social Research and Consultancy, Curaçao

Project website:

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