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1st Human & Translational Immunology Conference

fri16sep(sep 16)18:00wed21(sep 21)07:001st Human & Translational Immunology Conference18:00 - 07:00 (21)(GMT+00:00)

Event Details

The tools and experimental systems that can be applied to the study of human immune responses have brought this field to the threshold of an unprecedented level of understanding and enabled new therapeutic interventions in a variety of disease states.  Although many fundamental insights in immunology have emerged from studying animals models, critical differences between the immune systems of mice and humans have hindered the rapid translation of discoveries from mice to the clinic.

The insights gained from studying the human immune system can serve to bridge the so-called gaps between clinical trials and discovery-based science, between human immunology and mouse immunology, and between translational and basic science. The goal of the conference is to bring together leaders in the field of human immunology to understand immune-mediated disease and immune defense, and promote the translation of such knowledge to the clinic.  The conference covers the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases, the failure of immunity in chronic infections and cancer, vaccine development, the interplay between microbiome and immunity, and the translational application of advances in human immunology. The conference primarily focuses on the human immune system in the healthy steady state and its perturbation or failure in patients with disease.  Animal studies directly examining the translational potential of immunological discoveries are also included in the program. 


>> Registration


Peter KatsikisErasmus University Medical Center, Department of Immunology, Rotterdam Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Bali PulendranEmory University, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Altlanta Georgia, USA

Stephen SchoenbergerLa Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla California, USA

Jamie WilsonNature Immunology,New York, USA


Matthew AlbertGenentech, USA

Jim Allison, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Dominique Baeten, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Jacque Banchereau, The Jackson Laboratory, USA

Vincenzo Barnaba, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy

Petter Brodin, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Oretta Finco, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Italy

Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA

Adrian Hayday, King’s College London, United Kingdom

Alison Humbles, MedImmune, USA

Ken Ishii, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, Japan

Carl June, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Peter Katsikis, Erasmus University Medical Center, Netherlands

Antonio Lanzavecchia, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Switzerland

Yong-Jun Liu, Medimmune, USA

Frank Nestle, King’s College London, United Kingdom

Karolina Palucka, The Jackson Laboratory, USA

Virginia Pascual, Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, USA

Bali Pulendran, Emory University, USA

Maria Rescigno, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Italy

Federica Sallusto, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Switzerland

Stephen Schoenberger, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, USA

Rafick Sekaly, Case Western Reserve University, USA

Time Schedule

September 16

6:00 – 8:00 PM Conference Registration

8:00 – 10:30 PM Welcome Dinner

September 17

7:30 AM  Breakfast

8:30 AM  Session I

11:00 AM Coffee Break / Poster Viewing

12:00 PM Session II

2:00 PM Lunch and Informal Discussions

7:30 PM Dinner and Informal Discussions

September 18

7:30 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM Session III

11:00 AM Coffee Break / Poster Viewing

12:00 PM Session IV

2:00 PM Lunch and Informal Discussions

7:30 PM Dinner and Informal Discussions

September 19

7:30 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM Session V

11:00 AM Coffee Break

11:30 AM Session VI

1:30 PM Informal Discussions / Lunch

3:00 PM City Tour

7:30 PM Dinner and Informal Discussions

September 20

7:30 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM Session VII

11:00 AM Coffee Break / Poster Viewing

12:00 PM Session VIII

2:00 PM Lunch and Informal Discussions

7:30 PM Farewell Dinner

September 21

7:30 AM Breakfast


2016-09-16 18:00 - 2016-09-21 07:00(GMT+00:00)


The Sheraton Conference Center

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